12 November 2019

Iceland Seafood at the 10th Icelandic Seafood Conference

Bjarni Ármannsson, CEO of Iceland Seafood presented: "Challenges of the future" at the 10th Seafood Conference in Reykjavík, Iceland

The 2019 Seafood Conference “Sjávarútvegsráðstefnan” celebrated its tenth edition this year. The aim of the conference is to get together, in the same place, people from all parts of the industry. The Seafood Conference is a forum where people meet, establish new contact, strengthen current ones and increase cooperation.  During the conference, important subjects are analyzed and discussed with the objective of creating new ideas that motivate and lead to innovations and improvements.
Bjarni Ármannsson, the CEO of Iceland Seafood International, explained how Iceland Seafood is structured, the main products of the company and its main markets.  Further on Bjarni touched on favorable conditions in the market for seafood products and outlined major factors affecting us as environmental, social, legal and political on road ahead.
The presentation of Bjarni can be viewed here:

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